We've made viewing your Job and Payment history super easy. You can view a complete history of all your completed jobs, including your customer ratings, comments, payment status and much more.
Open the LawnGuru app, tap the Dashboard button in the Bottom left corner > Scroll down and tap 'View All Job History'
You can also view a breakdown of your payouts that were sent to your bank. Just tap the Account tab in the lower right corner > tap Payouts > view all payouts. From here you can tap an individual payout to see the full breakdown of that specific payout.
If for some reason a job you recently completed is not showing up under the Job History tab, do not fret. Some jobs can take up to 48 hours to archive and become visible. Same with payment, All LawnGuru providers are paid on a two business day rolling basis. If it's been longer than 48 hours since you finished the job, we have a great Support Team standing by ready to help.